Upper School Carline

Car Line

7:00 – 8:15 am – Extended Care
Students arriving between this time must enter through the front door of Aiken Prep and proceed to Extended Care where they will be supervised until the school day begins.

8:15 – 8:25 am – Morning Car Line
Car line operates on Florence Street. Parent should drive east on Barnwell Avenue and turn right onto Florence Street then right onto the Aiken Prep Campus. Once students have exited the vehicle, please use the turning lane and return to Florence Street heading south.

  • Stay to the right while waiting on Barnwell Avenue and Florence Street as to avoid blocking traffic.
  • Do not block the faculty parking lot or the front entrance.
  • For your child’s safety, do not let children exit on Barnwell Avenue or in the faculty parking lot.
  • Students must report to homeroom by 8:30 am.

8:28 am – Onward – Late Arrival
If your child arrives after 8:28 am, they must sign-in at the front office.

3:30-3:45 Afternoon Car Line

Parents should line up along Florence Street and Barnwell Avenue, parallel to the brick walls.  Parents should not enter any parking lot of the school, including the student lot at Florence and Richland.  Students will exit the back doors of the school and wait along Florence Street.  Students should not enter cars on Barnwell Avenue.  Under the supervision of faculty on duty, students will be permitted to enter cars between the end of the wall and the sign that says “Afternoon carline starts here,” after which parents may carefully pull out and depart.  At 3:45 any remaining students will go to Extended Care.  After 3:45 students on the Aiken Prep campus must be in Extended Care, athletic practice, or other supervised activity.

Rainy Day Carline

In the event of heavy rain in the mornings, cars may enter the school driveway on Florence Street and pull up to the green door in the back of Harrington Hall.  After dropping students off at the door, parents will drive to the left and follow the gravel drive past the student lot and exit back onto Florence Street.

In the afternoons, cars may enter the school driveway on Florence Street and pull up to the green door of Harrington Hall.  A faculty member or administrator will ask for the name of the student and relay the name into the school where students are being supervised and lined up for dismissal.  After picking up the student, parents will drive to the left and follow the gravel drive past the student lot and exit onto Florence Street.